Hugo Portillo


This document presents the programmatic proposals for the government of the presidential candidate of the Christian Democratic Party, Mr. Hugo Portillo, with a view to the 2023 presidential elections. They arise from the effort and commitment of an extensive investigation of the current context that the country is going through. .

Our team worked on our political project, we believe it is essential to attend with urgency and responsibility, in order to materialize our proposal for a fairer and more inclusive society.

We work to build a better Paraguay free of corruption and transparent while respecting Democracy.

Today, politics in Paraguay is experiencing a complex moment. discredited because of its own faults, Paraguayans mistrust it because of the high corruption and impunity in the government. But let's be clear: without politics, without good public policy, there is no possibility of have a democracy that allows us to build a better country and become charge of the tremendous challenges that exist in social matters, economic and, of course, also political.

These government proposals, beyond their specificity, are inscribed in guiding axes that seek to contribute to thinking of a short, medium and long term political project, building about the steps we have taken as a society. One that, founded in the principles of freedom, merit and diversity, undertakes strongly with a sense of justice that deals with the most underprivileged and seeks to level the playing field of opportunity, and thus being able to converse with the times of a more demanding and complex insert in today's global politics.

These proposals are viable, achievable and generate debate among citizens about the reality of our country.


Fear, terror, injustice and impunity, when we think about citizen security, there is no doubt that for many these are the first words that come to mind the mind. Paraguay a country cornered by organized crime, drug trafficking and narcopolitics is our day to day, where justice is not trustworthy and is absolutely permissive with criminals arranged by rulers of the day.


I will present a project for the autonomous complaint.

I. Advantages of the project:
•Fight corruption installed in the public ministry.
•It will generate a decrease in the budget of the public ministry.
•Quality of public spending (reduction of the budget will allow surpluses to are intended for education or health)
•Invigorate the economic activity of lawyers and promote the provision of quality services of lawyers encouraging them to be better in the profession.

II. Request of unconstitutionality for the public ministry to be audited by the Comptroller General of the Republic like all the other ministries.
• Advantages: install a culture of transparency in all the organisms of the state without exception.

III. Fight the prevailing corruption in the public ministry.

Living in peace is a desire that is closely linked to the recognition and the exercise of human rights, in all its dimensions, and which encompasses a long haul. Achieving greater security requires taking care of the various phenomena: crime prevention; his persecution, judgment and punishment when it occurs; and the execution of sentences, which in the event that they mean deprivation freedom forces us to look at the prison system and rehabilitation systems and social reintegration.


Project of law for the minister of the interior to become part of the chain of internal security command.

•Advantage of the law: Cross control of police management.
•It will reduce the number of police at the service of organized crime: it generates security in society.


I will present a bill so that public officials do not participate in partisan inmates with the advantage that they are not obliged by any party not to exercise their civic right with freedom of choice.


• Fight prebendaryism because the public official is an official of all Paraguayans and not just the government of the day.
• Gives dignity to public servants.


• Preferential access only for ambulances, firefighters and police in pursuit.
• Control of the budgets and tenders of the Ministry of Public Works.


That the diplomatic corps obtain investments for the country at least 3 in the period of 6 months, the allied countries should offer at least 10 investments per year for the country.

Quality education is a master key to being able to exercise our freedom and display our talents. Who does not have access to a quality education, will see their possibilities of choosing limited and with it they will see compromised, the opportunities what life holds for him. Hence the importance of a real quality education for everyone.


•The ideal education budget is 7% of GDP, in our country it is 3%, I commit to an annual increase of 1% until I reach 7%
•The reorientation of the curriculum for Engineers, doctors.
•Aim at professions that the market requests within the SNPP
•Educational quality, offering civic education, implementing educational subjects that benefit children, young people.

Today we have a health system that is not able to connect with the needs of its users and give the answers that patients expect.

We believe that it is fundamental to project Paraguay towards a future where health provides decent and quality benefits instead of transforming into a space of increased inequality and inequity.


•Comprehensive and free health is a fundamental right that must be offered by the state its citizens.
•The Social Security Institute must be administered by the contributors, workers and entrepreneurs.

Paraguay must aim for an economy in keeping with a globalized world and competitive, where the value of ideas, collaboration and effort are capable to generate the jobs and resources that Paraguay requires to be a full and developed society.

We have the need to react with force the demographic, technological and social changes that the country and the rest of the world faces, as we will:
•Avoiding an increase in the level of indebtedness and administration of the public debt depending on the payment capacity of the country.
•Fiscal deficit, cut back until reaching 1% by 2026.
•Elimination of the budget of the office of the first lady
•Transparency of the financial situation of the fiscal boxes (bankruptcies) seeking your genuine auto financing.
•Transparent the real inflationary reality to establish the plans of macroeconomic correction action.
•Establish a technical team to review compliance with all of the the functions of the Central Bank of Paraguay and the National Securities Commission.
•Encourage the entrepreneurial capacity of people and companies to through credit lines for SMEs through the system. Eliminate and simplify all the procedures that a person who wants to create his company faces.
•Incentivize banks to give credit by promoting economic ventures of the Paraguayans.

The development of a country is determined by the development of its people. I believe in freedom and in the capacity of people to decide their own life project. Nevertheless, To achieve this, people must have certain enabling conditions.



•Allocate budget for housing.
• Transparency through a computerized system and public access to the acquisition of homes.
•Promote the financing of housing through the banking, financial, cooperatives with support from AFD.
•Urban planning with access to basic services.
•Establish 15,000 homes a year throughout the country.
•Technical team to review ill-gotten land.
• Digitization of public records to purge the overlapping of titles, avoiding the prevailing corruption in the supreme court of justice.


•Use of the total energy produced by Itaipu.
•Assign Itaipu's energy to promote the development of industries, prioritizing those with the greatest social impact.
•Explore the country's energy matrix.
•Development of APP for renewable energy applications.
• Promote via APP to generate Drinking Water and sewerage.


1. Environmental:
• Sustainable mobility.
• Healthy habits.
• Reduce/Recycle.
• Awareness through notifications.
2. Participatory:
• Private businesses.
• Public administration.
• Local associations.
3. Economic:
• Consumption in local businesses.
• Free App for users.
4. Social:
• Does not distinguish between users.
• Redistribution of visitors.
• APP at the service of citizens

1. Environmental:
The app is ecological, it promotes sustainable mobility in the territory, making visitors move on foot from one place to another. You can only find the resources and fulfill the objectives of the game if you go to the indicated sites and, by geolocation, it is verified that this has been the case. This implies that visitors do not use polluting vehicles and the generation of air pollution (carbon dioxide and noise) is avoided. In addition, the app's metrics allow knowing the number of kilometers traveled by users and the minutes traveled per day.

2.- Economic:
The app is economically efficient, the investment of organizations in it is profitable through the fulfillment of download and use objectives, in addition, all actions are evaluated through clearly defined metrics. The visit of small businesses that offer gifts is encouraged, giving them more visibility on users' mobiles. In addition, they can download the app for free for any type of mobile, without incurring any expense and offering added value for its functionalities.

3.- Social:
The app has a clear social component and in which no distinctions of any kind are made between users. In addition, by promoting mobility, they also make the territory structure and decentralize visits, making them visit different areas to promote their visibility for social or other reasons.

4.- Participatory:
The app involves all sectors of society, from the private initiative, through purchase or sponsorship, as well as SMEs that offer gifts, to the public administration, hiring this tool or supporting it and, finally, associations , which represent the associative fabric of the territory that is the object of the application and which are always taken into account.


On 08/16/23, I will present the Bill for the AUTONOMOUS COMPLAINT.
1. Fight CORRUPTION installed in the Public Ministry
2. Generates a decrease in the MP budget
3. Quality of public spending
4. It will boost the economic activity of lawyers

ON 08/16/23, I will present a bill, so that public officials (of all Paraguayans) do not participate in the internal affairs of political parties (like the police and military)
1. Fight prebendary
2. Elevates the public function

Bill for the Ministry of the Interior to once again form part of the Internal Security chain of command, and not a simple vase
1. Cross control in police management
2. It will reduce the number of police officers at the service of ORGANIZED CRIME

Presentation of a new Unconstitutionality so that the Public Ministry is audited by the Comptroller General of the Republic.
1. Culture of transparency in all State agencies, without exception.
2. Fight the CORRUPITION prevailing in the Public Ministry

The education budget must increase 1% of GDP per year, until it reaches 7%. This increase will NOT be used in salaries or remunerations.
Ex: the student reception capacity for the Medical University must increase by 50 per year.
Encourage SNPP type (technical careers)

The Office of the First Lady must disappear and its budget be reallocated to Education/Health
It is a legal hybrid, where the president's partner is not a public official, but has resources from the State (which belongs to all Paraguayans).

Abort all subsidies to NGOs (NON-governmental Organizations) and reallocate those budget resources to Education/Health (infrastructure, NOT salaries or privileges)

Universal and free health care for all Paraguayans
PS: By reallocating budget items efficiently, this will be gradually achieved.

Cut all expenses on communications, advertising, communications consulting, journalists, trolls, haters, etc.
Reassignment of these items to Health/Education (for infrastructure, NOT salaries or privileges)

Only ambulances, firefighters, police officers in operation, and visits from foreign authorities/delegations, may use sirens and personnel to make way for motorists.
No authority, not even the President. They will be able to make way.
Reassign designated police officers.

The budgets of State agencies, destined for PRIVATE MEDICAL INSURANCE, must be redirected to enhance the PUBLIC HEALTH system (Infrastructure, NOT salaries OR privileges).
The FFPP have the Public Health / IPS system at their disposal

Restructuring of the Diplomatic Corps. The ambassadors and their collaborators will have the primary mission of BRINGING INVESTMENTS WITH SOCIAL AND STRATEGIC IMPACT to the country (not only demonstrating that they know protocol and etiquette)
Goals should be set: minimum 3 per year, otherwise bye!

Urgently digitize, purify and make transparent the Public Registry.
2. It will jump out that PARAGUAY has 30% more titles than extensions of land.
3. It will help identify ill-gotten lands

Strong economic package of fiscal austerity, without increasing taxes, and attacking subsidies. More than ever we must look for the quality of public spending.
Fiscal deficit
Financial delinquency
Tax boxes
Economic growth

Before talking about reforms of the Pension Funds and things like that, I will have the IPS administered by its owners (the contributors), employees and employers, NO longer hand-written by the Executive.
This will combat CORRUPTION and improve service.

The National Directorate of Public Procurement, den of CORRUPTION of billions of dollars (which harms the people), I will propose that it NO longer depend on the interested party (The Executive).
One option is that it depends on the Comptroller General of the Republic.

Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
1. Earth
2. Food sovereignty
3. Agriculture
4. Livestock
5. Environment
6. Deforestation
7. Indigenous Peoples
8. Cooperatives
With the help of technology, monitor the beneficiaries. Any irregularity by profiteers will be expelled.

Given the open violation of the media of ART 26/28 of the CN, on the FREEDOM of the press and the RIGHT to be informed, in accordance with ART 19 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights
It is the State's obligation to TRANSPARENT RADIO and TV spectrum tenders in Paraguay.

Although the CN prohibits holding Referendums on loan contracts, we must find a way for citizens to express their position on the rampant debt to which we are being subjected by the government of the CORRUPT Horacio Cartes.

I do not agree with any CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM of the CN, nor with the best good intentions.
Once the Constituents are installed, anything can happen.
Our weak institutions are infiltrated by DIRTY MONEY FROM ORGANIZED CRIME.

I WILL NOT SIGN THE ESCAZU AGREEMENT, of violation and surrender of our national sovereignty to “anonymous” globalism, under the demagogic fiction of mixing Human Rights and Environmental Rights!!

ELIMINATION OF THE ELECTORAL SUBSIDY. Most of the 33,000 candidates, we bank on our own, with our own resources, or contributions from the environment/adherents of each candidate.
We are talking about +G 120,000,000,000 that become “negotiated” by the “owners” of the parties.